Parami Institute Of Continuing Education

Nothing was funny anymore 


San Nwe

I took my project's article from The Kite Tales and I got the permission from them to illustrate the article named "Nothing was funny anymore". The story is about the Journalist who have to flee Myanmar and live in Thai Border now. While he lives there, he always report what's happening in Myanmar. Before he left, no one believe about military power grab and even make some jokes on it. After knowing it is happening in reality, he felt sad, hopeless, depressed and leave from country because he is a journalist so he isn't safe anymore in Myanmar. Then, the journalist, he as a witness of the brutality, the bloody crackdowns, torture, and murders by the junta's forces. It further fueled the anger of civilians. After that, the endless sacrifices made by the people of Myanmar, especially young people and hundreds have died, families have been torn apart. As difficult as it sounds, I hope my country, Myanmar, will become a democratic federal union. It might be so far away for now, but I do believe that it will happen one day. Those are brief  summary for the article and I interpret for my illustration project.